John Piscitelli 6858 Poppyview Dr Oak Park, CA 91377
Show Phone NumberPhone: 818-889-7664 Alt. Phone: 818-636-9104
Piscitelli Appraisal Service
ServicesHere are some of the services Piscitelli Appraisal Service offers:
Single Family Residential (typical full report) |
$350 |
Single Family Residential over $500,000 |
Get quote |
Condominium (full report) |
$350 |
2070 or 2075 reports |
$100 |
Limited Appraisal 2055 exterior only |
$275 |
Limited Appraisal 2055 with interior inspection |
$300 |
Recertification of Value without comps |
$100 |
Recertification of Value with comps |
$200 |
Satisfactory Completion Certificate |
$75 |
Comp Check |
No charge |
Fees for complex properties vary depending upon location, availability of comps, building and lot sizes, amenities, etc. Fees for complex single family homes typically range from $450 to $850. Areas covered include Ventura county, and western and northern areas of Los Angeles county.
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