0.10 mi. | ABC Appraisals Real Estate Appraisal Services Ukiah, CA 95482 We are a leading provider of real estate valuations for the mortgage lending marketplace. |  | |
16.06 mi. | The Appraisal Source Appraisal Service, CA Upper Lake, CA 95485 The Appraisal Source, CA |  | |
16.06 mi. | THE APPRAISAL SOURCE THE APPRAISAL SOURCE UPPER LAKE, CA 95485 A resident of Lake County for over 20 years & a General Contractor for 15 years. No one knows Lake County like the Appraisal Source. No one knows property values like the Appraisal Source. Member OREP. Prompt turn times. Reports delivered in pdf format, & include Manufactured Homes, Land, Condos, Complex Appraisals & Single Family Residences. | | |
17.17 mi. | Forsyth Appraisals Real Estate Appraiser Lakeport, CA 95453 We have been appraising Lake County longer than anyone.Actively working in Northern California for nearly 50 years, we are not only a leading provider of real estate appraisals for the mortgage industry in our market area, we also specialize in forensic/review appraisals for lending, REO/foreclosure and litigation. Because we know Lake County best. | | |
17.17 mi. | THE NEVIS GROUP Real Estate Appraisals, CA LAKEPORT, CA 95453 Real Estate Appraisals
Years of Expertise in Manufactured Housing Appraisals as required by FNMA guidelines
|  | |
19.54 mi. | PRIMARY APPRAISAL SERVICE California State Licensed Appraiser NICE, CA 95464 We Provide Residential Property Appraisal Services in Lake - Mendocino - Humboldt, Sonoma, Marin, Napa, Solano and most Northern California Counties. |  | |
23.58 mi. | GOTT APPRAISALS GOTT APPRAISALS, CA Willits, CA 95490 FHA Approved... Serving Mendocino, Lake, and northern Sonoma County CA with Residential (including manufactured and REO), Farm, Ranch, Timberland, Standing Timber, and Rural Property APPRAISALS and APPRAISAL CONSULTING. |  | |
23.58 mi. | Stranske Appraisal Tim Stranske Willits, CA 95490 Appraiser | | |
27.42 mi. | Hermiston Group Emilie O'Connell East Leonardbury, AL 95459 Appraiser | | |