Tonia Zambrano 2533 w. 37th Avenue Denver, CO 80211
Show Phone NumberPhone: 303.359.1310 Alt. Phone: fax 303.480.3608
Highlander R. E. Appraisals
With over 12 years in the appraisal indurstry, my thorough appraisals are accepted by lenders across the country.
24hour fax for orders/engagement letters: 303-480-3608; phone: 303-359-1310;
24 hour/7 days per week appraisal ordering via email or fax, coupled with the most up-to-date appraisal software, state of the art equipment, thorough market knowledge, and electronic delivery of the final product, I am able to offer quick turn time with minimal underwriter requests for further supporting data. However, I am promptly available to further support value with additional comparables or supporting data if required by your underwriters.
In addition, I always provide a professional representation of your company to your clients, strategic partners, and borrowers during field visits and telephone conversations. I enjoy working in partnership with you to ensure client, lender/investor, and realtor satisfaction with respect to expedient service and quality appraisal reports.
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