Residential Appraisal Services
AppraisalFirst, Inc., serving the needs of the residential appraisal market. Our experience and wide geographic coverage has gained us the reputation of being "Southwest Missouri's Appraisal Company."
Our list of clients include banks, savings and loans, mortgage companies, attorneys and individuals located throughout the United States. Each report is given individual attention and conforms to all industry standards.
Appraisal First has the capability to transmit appraisals across the internet using Adobe® Acrobat® PDF files. Adobe® Acrobat® lets you convert electronic documents into Adobe PDF files that can be viewed and printed on any computer.
AppraisalFirst provides you with independent objective opinions and information on all types of residential real estate.
Reports are designed to be a full descriptive analysis that incorporates all relevant data which may affect the subject's value. A full valuation analysis incorporates the standard approaches to value, if applicable, with more sophisticated analytical techniques, when necessary.
Appraisal First, Inc